1. Classic Rose Bouquet

For a timeless look, you can’t go wrong with a classic rose bouquet. Roses are not only beautiful, but they also symbolize love and romance, making them perfect for your wedding day.
2. Wildflower Bouquet

A wildflower bouquet can give your wedding a rustic, bohemian feel. This style typically includes a mix of colorful, informal flowers, which can be a great way to add a pop of color to your wedding day look.
3. Peony Bouquet

Peonies are known for their large, fluffy blooms and sweet scent. A peony bouquet can add a touch of elegance and femininity to your bridal look.
4. Calla Lily Bouquet

For a modern, minimalist look, consider a calla lily bouquet. These flowers have a unique, sculptural shape, and they come in a range of colors, from pure white to deep purple.
5. Succulent Bouquet

A succulent bouquet can be a unique, long-lasting choice. Succulents come in a variety of shapes and colors, and they can be replanted after the wedding, serving as a beautiful reminder of your special day.
6. Orchid Bouquet

Orchids are exotic, elegant flowers that can make a big statement. An orchid bouquet can be a stunning choice for a tropical or beach wedding.
7. Monochromatic Bouquet

A monochromatic bouquet, featuring flowers of all the same color, can be a chic, modern choice. This style can work with any color or flower type, making it extremely versatile.
8. Lavender Bouquet

For a simple, fragrant bouquet, consider lavender. Not only is lavender beautiful, but its scent is also known to be calming — which may be just what you need on your wedding day!
9. Greenery Bouquet

A greenery bouquet can be a stylish, budget-friendly choice. This style typically features a variety of leaves, vines, and herbs, and it can be a great way to bring a touch of nature into your wedding day look.
10. Daisy Bouquet

Daisies are simple, cheerful flowers that can brighten up any bridal look. A daisy bouquet can be a great choice for a casual, outdoor wedding.
11. Hydrangea Bouquet

Hydrangeas are known for their large, round blooms. A hydrangea bouquet can add volume and drama to your bridal look, and they work particularly well for large, formal weddings.